This Demo is a work in progress and was made in 48 hours for the Kenney Jam 2024.

Connect your castle to resources and build up your defensive strength within a set number of turns before the enemy attacks!

Controls: Use WASD to navigate the map and the mouse to interact. 

Full Screen for best experience!


  • Resourcescoinfoodwood and iron are acquired and spent per turn. A House generates +1 coin and spends -1 food per turn.
  • Strengthswordsarchersdefense are summed across connected regions of the kingdom. A Barracks provides 5 swords (forever), and costs -2 food and -1 iron (per turn)
  • Roads connect locations to your kingdom but they cost coin to construct (not per turn).
  • At the end of the allotted number of turns, you fight the enemy. Whoever's total strength is greater at the end is the victor.
  • If you run out of any resources on any turn, the kingdom falls.

For example, connecting the Barracks by road will cost 3 coin (this turn only), provide 5 swords (forever), and cost 2 food and 1 iron (per turn).


Connecting a Barracks to the kingdom.


  • Victory Condition triggers the Game Over screen.


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Nice grafic style, but I don't understand the game play. In my opinion you should add a tutorial. Good job

Thank you! I had planned on making a tutorial but ran out of time.